ZENITH’s Vertical Grinding Mill Enter the European Market

2020-12-25 10:24:09

It’s very nice. All equipment of our plant is from ZENITH. They are a big company so we have faith in them. In addition, we have known they have built several crushing plants in Dubai and we can visit them on site. We have been well served during this pro

ZENITH Shining over bauma CHINA 2020

2020-11-30 15:02:06

The harsh reality of unexpectable situations triggered by coronavirus pandemic is a reminder of severe crisis the world is experiencing. Concerns about the wide

Uncover the Enterprise Story Behind High-end Mining Machinery

2020-10-15 10:07:28

1. What is the gap of mining machinery industry between China and the developed countries?Chinese development speed forces sand and aggregates industry to conti

ZENITH Relocated to New Headquarters, Starting a New Journey

2020-09-22 10:47:44

On September 19, 2020, ZENITH headquarters relocated to No. 1688, East Gaoke Road, Pudong New Area, which is a new important milestone in ZENITH development process, and ushered a new era of high-quality and efficient development.

ZENITH Attended A Live Show Hosted by Lingang New District

2020-06-30 16:59:34

Summary: The organizing committee of China (Shanghai) Industrial Products Online Trading Festival, together with Shanghai Lingang Economic Development (Group) C

ZENITH XZM Ultrafine Grinding Mill Helps the Operation of Magnesium Oxide Project

2020-06-30 16:59:34

Recently, an annual output of 120,000 tons of magnesium oxide powder project was officially completed and put into operation in China. The project operation effectively fills the gap of the local magnesium oxide grinding powder processing and utilization

A Letter to ZENITH’s Customers During COVID-19

2020-04-30 17:01:04

No.416 Jianye Road, South Jinqiao Area
Pudong, Shanghai, PRC
April 30, 2020

Dear customers:
The COVID-19 outbreak has developed very fast around the world, ne

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber & China Aggregates Association Visit ZENITH

2019-10-18 09:47:43

On Oct. 14, 2019, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber & China Aggregates Association visited Zenith for in-depth exchange and sharing on the theme of green and en

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